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Preparing for a Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)

The team at Children's Mercy has described what an VCUG procedure is to answer your questions and help you prepare your child for their visit. If you need more information or have information that you would like to share with us about your child before their VCUG, please call (816) 983-6870. Leave a message. A Children’s Mercy staff member will call you back as soon as possible.

Tips for parents

  • Please plan for your child’s VCUG visit to take at least one hour. The amount of time that the VCUG takes is different for each child.

  • You can be in the room with your child the whole time during the VCUG. This is important and helps your child cope.

  • If you are pregnant, please bring another adult to be with your child. Pregnant mothers are not able to stay in the room during X-rays. 

  • Be prepared to focus on your child. Please do not bring any other children. Other children are not allowed in the room during the VCUG.

  • Your child can bring a comfort item (doll, stuffed animal, pacifiers, blanket) and a distraction item (i.e. tablet, video game, favorite book). We will have distraction items available as well.

  • Your child can eat and drink prior to the VCUG unless your child’s doctor says otherwise. After the VCUG, your child should drink plenty of fluids (water, juice).

  • You know your child best. Please let us know how we can help your child during their VCUG.

  • If you feel your child may need sedation medicine for the VCUG, please call the Sedation Team at (816) 983-6992.

  • The Image Gently Alliance  may help you understanding types of imaging and what "imaging safely" means to you and your child.

Getting a VCUG at Children's Mercy (Boys)
Getting a VCUG at Children's Mercy (Girls)

Safe, expert imaging for your child

Children's Mercy has been awarded accreditation in all areas of imaging technology by the American College of Radiology. This represents the highest level of image quality and radiation safety.